Every single day I have tons of homework! It kills me! I feel like the guy in this picture. My backpack literally feels like 70lbs and all it's filled with is an expander, two small books and a laptop. Whoever knew it could be that heavy??? It also takes me all day to do my homework. Sometimes I have to wake up early to finish homework, because I have sooo much and I can't keep track of it all! Sometimes I forget 2 of my papers! I know what you're thinking, I am so not orgaized, but I am.
Taylor, I didn't know that you had your own blog. I'm so excited. What a great picture of you. And yes, I know that you are very organized!!
I know u always have a TON of homw work!
i'm so sorry taylor! that stinks! easpecially being young ! i never had that much when i was in elementary! do u have ur own laptop?? :0
HEY TAY! YOU HAVE A BLOG!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! I can't wait to check it daily, me and you have kinda simaliar blog names! I mean what can we say, nature is awesome!!!!! potspanspetals.blogspotspot.com and yours is cookin it up with nature! we are so cool all matching and what not:)
where are your posts young tay-la? i love your little blog! (again!)
tay! post please! i miss you, love your blog!
sry i have been sooo busy. i'll post l8tr!
post prettyy please!! :]
PLEASE! FOR GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please?
taylor marie chavez!!!!!!! posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
WOULD YOU PLEASE POST!!!!!!!! or ill say i hate Carmel the guiney pig. (i dont know how to spell that).
give me a T. ttt! Give me an A. aaa! give me a Y. yyy! Give me an L. lll! Give me a O. ooo! Give me an R. rrr! what does that spell?!?!?!
taylor posttt!
come on taylor you can do it!!!
Who doesn't have that problem!
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