Me and homework; not a good match!

Every single day I have tons of homework! It kills me! I feel like the guy in this picture. My backpack literally feels like 70lbs and all it's filled with is an expander, two small books and a laptop. Whoever knew it could be that heavy??? It also takes me all day to do my homework. Sometimes I have to wake up early to finish homework, because I have sooo much and I can't keep track of it all! Sometimes I forget 2 of my papers! I know what you're thinking, I am so not orgaized, but I am.


Audrey said...

Taylor, I didn't know that you had your own blog. I'm so excited. What a great picture of you. And yes, I know that you are very organized!!

Kathrine said...

I know u always have a TON of homw work!

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry taylor! that stinks! easpecially being young ! i never had that much when i was in elementary! do u have ur own laptop?? :0

Darcy said...

HEY TAY! YOU HAVE A BLOG!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! I can't wait to check it daily, me and you have kinda simaliar blog names! I mean what can we say, nature is awesome!!!!! and yours is cookin it up with nature! we are so cool all matching and what not:)


Darcy said...

where are your posts young tay-la? i love your little blog! (again!)

Anonymous said...

tay! post please! i miss you, love your blog!

Taylor said...

sry i have been sooo busy. i'll post l8tr!

cass said...

post prettyy please!! :]

rachel said...

PLEASE! FOR GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please?

Anonymous said...

taylor marie chavez!!!!!!! posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

rachel said...

WOULD YOU PLEASE POST!!!!!!!! or ill say i hate Carmel the guiney pig. (i dont know how to spell that).

Anonymous said...

give me a T. ttt! Give me an A. aaa! give me a Y. yyy! Give me an L. lll! Give me a O. ooo! Give me an R. rrr! what does that spell?!?!?!


taylor posttt!

cass said...

come on taylor you can do it!!!

rachel said...


Bre said...

Who doesn't have that problem!

Bre said...