Sad :(

I feel like nobody looks at my blog. What's the point of blogging when nobody looks at your blog. Huh? Huh? Huh? Well, that's all I need to say. Sometimes, I just have to let the world know my feelings.

Our Garden!!!

I got a TON of plant seeds for my 10th birthday (Thanks to my g-ma Sieg! ) And we made a garden! These are growing to be green beans. Yummy! (for me)
This here is a baby tomato. So cute. I can't wait to have that juicy red tomato! If you can see that dead flower that will also turn into a tomato. We have two tomato plants, and they both have new baby tomatoes!
Here's the front part of our garden. We planted cucumbers, green beans, cilantro, basil, tomatoes, and lettuce. We could just live off our garden, if we kept growing it and making salads out of our food AKA: crops. If you look in the front, you can see little piles of dirt, well that's not just any old dirt, well it is, but I made them and they are cucumber mounds for the cucumbers to drape over when they are nice and big! I am so excited! :)
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Change Background!

Okay, so I've been paying so much attention to my posting that I forgot about my background! It's waaaaaayyyyyyyy past Valentine's. I'm such a goofball!! Oh well, just be looking for anew background!

Addition to Sophers!

This picture cracks me up! It seems as if Sophers is saying " Get a move on Logan!" She is hilarious!
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Here's Sophie's famous picture face. You can bet we always get one pic. of Sophie doing this face!
Here's the famous face once again, just with closed eyes!
Here's the closed eyes famous pic.
Here's a wee bit of peek-a-boo!
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Dar Tagged Me!

Okay so my cousin, Darcy, tagged me, and I have taken on the challenge. May the force be with me. (Don't worry I have my light saber, just in case) So this is my favorite bear, Princess. Naming her is a long story. I got her in the 2-story Build-a-Bear in Downtown Disney about 6 years ago. I've had her since I was 4! I love her and am not afraid to admit that I still sleep with her. She is my guard bear!
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Good Old Times!

I miss you houseboat! It will be a lonely 2009 summer. Oh the good old times. Spending one week with friends. That's all gone now. No fun. Maybe we can still make other fun plans. But not as fun as the houseboat! I'll miss those... GOOD, OLD, TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Look at my face! It's hideous!
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My Bear

This is my favorite bear, Princess, and I have had her for 5 years, and she is really special to me. I got her in the giant Build-a-Bear in Downtown Disney. Pretty cool! She is a little dirty (thats what happen when they get old if you didn't know),but that's okay, and whenever I leave my house to visit somebody, she's there and you know it!
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Okay, so this cabinet, we'd always throw things in, and I hate when things aren't organized, so I organized it and the cabinet looks so beautimous now.
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The Candy Poo-ing Bull

Okay this is another one of Logan's presents (from Kathrine). So you load it up with like candies that look like sugar babies or something, then you press its back and the bull poops the candy. Oh, and the tail goes up!
Here is the dumping hole.
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Claire's New Fav. T-Shirt

Apparently Claire is loving this shirt that our neighbors gave to her. Every time Claire puts this on, she asks what it says on it. You can see what it says right?
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Our New Friend

Logan got a BEARDED DRAGON for his 8th birthday and named him Spike.
This little critter is quite cute.
ENLARGE: Well, here his is, on Logan's shirt. He's about three weeks old!
Soooo cute!
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Moisturizing Makeover

Me and my friend Ashley got facials and our nails done at Kathrine and Rachel's spa. It was soooo relaxing!
We even got to soak our feet in nice warm water. The night before we went to Disneyland!
Here is me with my fancy cucumbers on. Don't I look smashing?
So Logan wanted a quick facial. Doesn't he look tanner? Well, he's not. It was just the recipe
for the facial!
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Okay for any of you who haven't seen this movie, let me tell you it is like a MUST see movie.
Okay so, Nacho Libre is Jack Black who most of you should know is really funny! There are so many funny quotes in this movie. Our family almost knows like the whole movie!
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