Our New Friend

Logan got a BEARDED DRAGON for his 8th birthday and named him Spike.
This little critter is quite cute.
ENLARGE: Well, here his is, on Logan's shirt. He's about three weeks old!
Soooo cute!
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Darcy said...

OK, I would rather hold Carmel ANY day! doesn't it hurt? But for a Logan... AWESOME!

Taylor said...

Well, Dar no , but his little claws attatch to and fabric.

Taylor said...

I meant ANY fabric

Bre said...

That is SO CUTE! On my cruise, I held one that was in a santa hat around christmas!

Bre said...

Hey Tay you showed me your blog yesterday and I got one that day, because it was soooo coolio dude! It is www.101naturegirl-bre.blogspot.com, comment it and look at it!

